Bylaws of the Central California Pipe Band Cooperative
Article I. Name
1. The name of this not for profit corporation shall be the Central California Pipe Band Cooperative, otherwise known as the CCPBC.
Article 2. Objectives
2. The objectives of the CCPBC are to promote the musical arts and cultural heritage of Celtic bagpiping, drumming, drum majoring, and pipe band performances within the geographical region identified as within the State of California, North of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountains from the California-Arizona border West to the Los Angeles-Ventura County Line to include Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties to the South; and Stanislaus. San Joaquin, Tuolumne Mariposa, and Mono Counties to the North and all other counties in Central California that are in between.
Article 3. Membership
3.1 Membership in the CCPBC is open and automatic for all solo and pipe band member bagpipers, drummers, drum majors and to all bagpipe band and bagpipe band contest sponsors within the above described geographical area of the State of California. Solo competitors and pipe bands outside the above described geographical area within the State of California may also become members of the CCPBC, but must register with the CCPBC by written request. Upon becoming a member of the CCPBC any member has voluntarily agreed to abide by the Bylaws, Contest Rules, and Standards of Behavior set by the CCPBC,
3.2 Members of the CCPBC shall not be individually responsible for any financial obligations of this not for profit corporation.
3.3 There are five types of membership within the CCPBC as follows:
3.3.1 Solo Competitor Members are automatically recognized as any solo bagpiper, drummer, drum major within the above described geographical area within the State of California. Solo competitors from outside the described geographical region may also apply for membership in the CCPBC. Membership in other piping and drumming associations is not required to be a Solo Competitor Member of the CCPBC, and Solo Competitor Members may also be members of other piping and drumming associations. Solo Competitor Members have one vote each for any changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, Standards of Behavior, and for election of officers.
3.3.2 Pipe Band Members are automatically recognized as any bagpipe band within the above described geographical area within the State of California. Bagpipe bands from outside the described geographical region may also apply for membership in the CCPBC. Membership in other piping and drumming associations is not required to be a Pipe Band Member of the CCPBC and Pipe Band Members of the CCPBC may also be members of other piping and drumming associations. Pipe Band Members have the number of votes equal to the number of active competition musicians in the band to vote on any changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, Standards of Behavior, and for election of officers.
3.3.3 Adjudicator Members are any persons recognized and certified by the CCPBC to adjudicate solo piping, solo drumming, solo drum majoring, pipe band piping, pipe band ensemble, and pipe band drumming events sponsored by Contest Sponsor Members that are within the geographical region described above within the State of California. Membership in other piping and drumming associations is not required to be an Adjudicator Member of the CCPBC, and Adjudicator Members may also be members of other piping and drumming associations. Adjudicator Members of the CCPBC have one vote for changes to the Bylaws, Contest Rules, Standards of Behavior, and for the election of officers. In some instances an Adjudicator may also be a Solo Competition Member of the CCPBC, and in such instances may have two votes on CCPBC business.
3.3.4 Contest Sponsor Members are any individual, group of individuals, societies, associations or corporations having an interest in, or desiring to sponsor any solo bagpiping, solo drumming, drum major, bagpipe group, or bagpipe band contests within the above described geographical region within Central California. Contest sponsors within the above described geographical region shall be automatically recognized as Contest Sponsor Members of the CCPBC, and upon request, the CCPBC shall assist and recognize the contests offered. Membership in other piping and drumming associations is not required to be a Contest Sponsor Member of the CCPBC. CCPBC ContestSponsor Members may also be members of other piping and drumming associations. CCPBC Contest Sponsor Members shall have one vote each for the approval of changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, Standards of Behavior and election of officers.
3.3.5 Associate Members are any other person, or group of persons that are not pipers, drummers, drum majors, adjudicators or pipe bands that voluntarily join the CCPBC. Associate Members of the CCPBC may also be members of other piping and drumming associations. Membership in other piping and drumming associations is not required to be an Associate Member of the CCPBC. Associate Members may serve on committees and otherwise assist Contest Sponsor Members and the CCPBA Board of Directors but may not be elected or appointed officers of the CCPBC. CCPBC Associate Members may participate in meetings and discussions for changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, and Standards of Behavior but may not vote on such matters.
3.4 Membership in the CCPBC IS NOT MANDATORY. Membership in the CCPBC IS VOLUNTARY. Any person, group of persons, solo competitors, pipe bands, adjudicators, and contest sponsors may join the CCPBC. Contest sponsors within the above described geographical region shall be automatically recognized as members of the CCPBC. Solo competitors and pipe bands within the above described geographical regions shall automatically be recognized as members of the CCPBC. Solo competitors, pipe bands, and contest sponsors outside of the above geographical region may become members of the CCPBC by written request sent to the CCPBC Board of Directors.
3.5 No member of the CCPBC shall be expelled or suffer membership termination. CCPBC membership may be suspended after a serious crime or serious misdemeanor has been committed upon another member of the CCPBC, or upon members of another piping and drumming association, or members of the general public while in attendance at a CCPBC recognized contest, event, or meeting. Violations of the CCPBC Contest Rules and/or Standards of Behavior, or of other piping and drumming associations shall upon request to the CCPBC Board of Directors be investigated and may lead to membership suspensions. Any membership suspension by the CCPBC shall be no longer than the remaining period of time to the end of the current year contest season.
3.6 Disqualifications of CCPBC solo and band members may occur only if a CCPBC member, or members, or a CCPBC member band deliberately violates a CCPBC Contest Rule or CCPBC Standard of Behavior at a CCPBC recognized contest. Disqualifications shall be only for the contest, or contests the day of such violation or misbehavior occurs. CCPBC members may lodge a complaint for an alleged violation of contest rules or standard of behavior with the contest sponsor and with any member of the CCPBC present at such contest or contest. The alleged violations and/or misbehavior shall than be investigated and if the allegations are sustained, the CCPBC solo member, or members, or the CCPBC member band may be disqualified. Any CCPBC member disqualified may appeal the disqualification in writing to the CCPBC Contest Sponsor Member immediately, and to the CCPBC Board of Directors within 24 hours. Upon receipt of such appeal, the CCPBC shall review the investigation conducted and grant or deny the appeal within 24 hours. An appeal sent to the CCPBC Board of Directors after the 24 hour period will not be considered by the CCPBC Board of Directors. In the event of a disqualification and appeal it is recommended that CCPBC Contest Sponsor hold the award of prizes until after the appeal has been settled. CCPBC members may appeal any such disqualifications by sending a written protest to the CCPBC Board of Directors within 7 days. Paragraphs 7.3 and/or 7.4 of the CCPBC Bylaws shall then become applicable to resolve the protest, or protests.
3.7 As stated in paragraph 3.4, membership in the CCPBC IS NOT MANDATORY. As such, no membership dues are required and no contest fees from Contest Sponsor Members are required. Donations from the solo competitor membership, from pipe band members, from adjudicator members, from contest sponsor members, and from associate members are highly encouraged and greatly appreciated. Donations received by the CCPBC are not refundable. Suggested Annual Donations for each type of CCPBC member, or membership are as follows:
3.7.1 $20.00 from each Solo Competitor Member.
3.7.2 $100.00 from each CCPBC Pipe Band Member.
3.7.3 $20.00 from each CCPBC Adjudicator Member.
3.7.4 $100.00 from each Contest Sponsor Member for a 1 day Contest. and $200.00 from each Contest Sponsor Member for 2 day contests.
$5.00 from each CCPBC Associate Member.
The CCPBC may solicit donations from other associations, agencies, businesses, and from members of the general public. All donations received by the CCPBC shall be used for the administration of the business of the CCPBC and to offer educational opportunities to the membership of the CCPBC.
Article 4. Officers of the CCPBC Board of Directors
4.1 Titles of the Officers and Duties of the CCPBC are as follows:
4.1.1 President of the CCPBC Board of Directors: The President shall preside at all meetings of the CCPB; shall be responsible for conducting all business and proceedings of the CCPBC Board of Directors; and shall oversee and coordinate all relation with CCPBC Contest Sponsors and with other piping and drumming associations. The President shall oversee the preparation of annual report to the CCPBC membership which shall be accessible to all members of the CCPBC and to any other piping and drumming association upon written request from any other piping and drumming association. The President has the executive authority to request assistance from any and all members of the CCPBC Board of Directors, and from the membership of the CCPBC to conduct the business and affairs of the CCPBC.
4.1.2 Vice-President of the CCPBC Board of Directors: The Vice-President shall deputize for the President and shall otherwise coordinate and conduct any business or proceedings of the CCPBC as directed by the President and/or Board of Directors.
4.1.3 Executive Secretary of the CCPBC Board of Directors: The Executive Secretary shall have custody of the corporation seal and any and all books, papers, and records of proceedings and business conducted by the CCPBC. The Executive Secretary shall perform other related tasks as directed by the CCPBC President and/or CCPBC Board of Directors. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for preparing and keeping records of all correspondence from and to the CCPBC. The Executive Secretary may appoint assistants from the CCPBC membership, or from outside the CCPBC with the CCPBC Board of Directors approval, to establish and maintain an internet website, and to assist in recording Audio-Visual records of all meetings conducted by the CCPBC and the CCPBC Board of Directors which shall be accessible to the membership of the CCPBC and upon written request by other recognized piping and drumming associations.
4.1.4 Treasurer of the CCPBC Board of Directors: The Treasurer shall keep accurate records and correct books on all financial affairs and business conducted by the CCPBC. The Treasurer shall establish and maintain a bank account for the disposition of all funds and the disbursement of funds after approval by the CCPBC Board of Directors related to the business of the CCPBC. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the CCPBC Board of Directors for approval an annual financial statement which shall upon approval be accessible to the membership of the CCPBC and upon written request to other piping and drumming associations. The Treasurer may appoint assistants as required to accomplish the tasks assigned and/or directed by the CCPBC Board of Directors from the membership of the CCPBC. An outside accountant or accounting firm may also, with CCPBC Board of Directors approval, be retained to assist with the preparation of reports and tax forms.
4.1.5 Duties shared in common by all the members of and their assistants of the CCPBC Board of Directors include the preparation of an annual report to the membership summarizing all business conducted by the CCPBC; a summary of the financial condition of the CCPBC; and an estimate of income and expenditures for the next fiscal year. Reports from the Treasurer shall be accessible to the membership of the CCPBC and upon written request to other piping and drumming associations. The CCPBC Board of Directors shall devise standards for adjudicators and publish a list of approved adjudicators and contests for which they may judge CCPBC recognized contests. Recognized adjudicators by the CCPBC shall be notified in writing, or by electronic communication, or in person that they are approved adjudicators for CCPBC recognized contests.
4.2 The term of office for members of the CCPBC shall be three years. Officers on the CCPBC Board of Directors may be re-elected for the same office held for the previous term of office, or for any other office on the CCPBC Board of Directors.
4.3 Expired terms and Vacant offices for which no elections have occurred may be appointed by the CCPBC Board of Directors, but any such appointed officer must be elected to such office by the membership of the CCPBC at the next Annual General Meeting and only for the remainder of such term of office.
4.4 Election of officers of the CCPBC shall take place at the CCPBC Annual General Meeting or any other Special Meeting called where elections take place. Nominations for officers must be posted no less than 42 days prior to the CCPBC Annual General Meeting or special meeting where elections take place on a computer downloadable notice and proxy ballot. If no nominations are received nominations for such vacant offices may be made by the CCPBC Board of Directors, or by the membership at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting. Voting shall occur with members present at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting and present by electronic communications, and present by proxy to elect officers and for changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, and Standards of Behavior. Proxy votes should be received by the CCPBC Executive Secretary 10 days in advance of the meetings, and must be verified before they are counted.
4.5 Removal of officers of the CCPBC shall be appropriate if any officer, or officers deliberately violate one or more CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, and/or Standards of Behavior. Any proceeding to remove an officer, or officers must include an investigation into the alleged violations by a Special Committee appointed by members of the CCPBC not on the CCPBC Board of Directors. If the Special Committee report verifies the facts of the alleged misbehavior the CCPBC members not accused of misbehavior shall call for a Special Internet or electronic meeting of the general membership via ZOOM, Go To Meeting, or Skype within 10 days of receipt of the Special Committee report to present the findings of the Special Committee and to allow the general membership to remove or retain the officer, or officers. A majority vote of the general membership is required to remove, or retain the officer, or officers. If an officer, or officers are removed from office they may also be suspended for the remainder of the contest year, or until after the next annual General Meeting of the membership.
4.6 Requests for changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, or Standards of Behavior must be sent to the CCPBC Executive Secretary 42 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting where voting occurs. Any changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, or Standards of Behavior shall occur before the election of officers. Amendments to any such changes may be proposed and considered, then voted upon by the membership in attendance at any Annual General Meeting, or Special Meeting.
Article 5: General Annual Meetings and Special Meetings
5.1 The Annual General Meeting of the CCPBC shall occur after the last contest of the calendar year, and before the first contest of the next calendar year; that time period generally recognized as the end of October of the current year to the end of February of the next year.
5.2 The CCPBC Board of Directors shall determine the date, time and place of the Annual General Meeting, or any Special Meetings. Any such meetings may also be held electronically via ZOOM, Go To Meeting, or Skype to allow for and encourage as much membership participation as possible. All members of the CCPBC shall be notified and given the opportunity to vote at any such meetings by proxy if they are unable to attend in person or by electronic communications.
5.3 The membership of the CCPBC shall be notified no less than 30 days in advance of the CCPBC Annual General Meeting, or Special Meeting. Notifications for the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting shall include text of any proposed changes to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, or Standards of Behavior and nominations for officers of the CCPBC Board of Directors. All notices of meeting must include a notice to the membership that proxy voting is permitted, and include an official proxy vote form or ballot for the use of the CCPBC membership.
5.4 Robert’s Rules of Order, most recently revised, shall govern the conduct of business at any meetings of the CCPBC.
5.5 Representation of 15 % or more of the membership of the CCPBC shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is required to conduct any business of the CCPBC at any Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting and for the election of officers.
5.6 Special Meetings of the CCPBC may be requested by a quorum of the CCPBC members at any time; such request to be written and signed by members of the CCPBC. The CCPBC Board of Directors may also schedule Special Meetings.
5.7 At the Annual General Meeting, or any Special Meeting, recommendations for grading CCPBC Member Pipe Bands may be proposed by the CCPBC Board of Directors and submitted for approval to the CCPBC membership.
5.8 The CCPBC does not make solo competitor grading recommendations except under extraordinary circumstances. Solo competition results usually sort out grading levels for solo competitors.
Article 6: Committees
6.1 Standing Committees may be appointed by the CCPBC Board of directors as needs arise and members of these committees may volunteer or be appointed. Standing Committees may include, but are not limited to:
6.1.1 Publications Committee comprised of as many or few CCPBC members as required to assist the Executive Secretary to establish and maintain an internet website, for the preparation of proxy ballots, and any and all further notices and publications to the CCPBC membership. The Publications Committee may include persons or an agency or business to assist with the internet website.
6.1.2 Audit Committee comprised of as many or few CCPBC members to audit the activities of and financial records of the CCPBC as needs arise.
61.3 Special Committees comprised of CCPBC members may be appointed by the CCPBC Board of Directors as needs arise.
Article 7: Contests
7.1 Contest Sponsors desiring to have the CCPBC recognize their piping and drumming solo contests, drum major contests, and pipe band or piping and drumming group contests should send in a written request to the CCPBC Board of directors at least 30 days in advance including the following information:
7.1.1 The types of contests proposed, the levels or grades of the contests and for pipe band contests and levels, and for any piping and drumming group events.
7.1.2 The day, or days of the proposed contests
7.1.3 The names of the proposed adjudicators. If no adjudicators are indicated, the CCPBC shall assist the contest sponsor with the appointment of adjudicators.
7.2 The CCPBC Board of Directors shall assist Contest Sponsors seeking recognition of their contests with guidance, recommendations, evaluation forms, determination of winners and prizes, and records. CCPBC shall assist Contest Sponsors to keep the contests open and fair to any and all pipers, drummers, trio or quartet groups, and full pipe bands. Contest Sponsors within the above described geographical area are requested and encouraged to follow the CCPBC Contest Rules and to require all contestants to abide by the Standards of Behavior set by the CCPBC.
7.3 Protests for violations of the CCPBC Contest Rules, or for violations of the CCPBC Standard of Behavior must be submitted first to the Contest Sponsor and to at least one or more members of the CCPBC for immediate resolution. If the Contest Sponsor and CCPBC member or members are unable to resolve the protest, or protests, they shall be forwarded to the CCPBC Board of Directors for resolution. It is recommended that the award of prizes and prize money be held by the Contest Sponsor until after the protest, or protests are resolved.
7.4 Unresolved protests, or disputes that the CCPBC has made a ruling on may be appealed. Upon receipt of an appeal the CCPBC Board of Directors shall, without exception, submit the appeal to Mediation for resolution. Parties to protests or disputes not cooperating with the CCPBC for Mediation shall be required to abide by the rulings made by the CCPBC Board of Directors. Costs for Mediation shall be borne by the party against whom the protests or disputes are resolved.
Article 8: Amendments to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, and Standards of Behavior
8.1 Amendments to the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules and Standards of Behavior shall be adopted by a majority vote of the CCPBC membership if a quorum is present, at the CCPBC Annual General Meeting. Proposed amendments and/or changes should be sent to the CCPBC Executive Secretary 42 days in advance of the CCPBC Annual General Meeting. Any such changes or amendments adopted at the CCPBC Annual General Meeting shall take effect immediately and before the election of officers takes place.
Article 9: Non-Discrimination Statement and Statement on Bullying and Harassment
9.1 The CCPBC shall apply all CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, and Standards of Behavior to all members of the CCPBC equally and without discrimination regarding age, race, religion sexual orientation, sex, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, physical or mental disability or handicap, or any other reasonably recognized status.
9.2 The CCPBC discourages any form of Bullying defined as one party taking unfair advantage of another party either by physical or verbal abuse. The CCPBC discourages cheating at any recognized contest defined as unfair manipulation of the CCPBC Bylaws, Contest Rules, and Standards of Behavior to gain an advantage over other competitors. The CCPBC discourages any form of Verbal and Sexual Harassment. Well intended criticism directed at members of the CCPBC, or members of other piping and drumming associations, or members of the general public shall not be considered as verbal harassment unless the comments exceed legally established standards for freedom of speech. The use of vulgar words, expressions, or gestures by members of the CCPBC towards other members of the CCPBC, or towards members of other piping and drumming associations, towards adjudicators, or towards members of the general public while at CCPBC recognized contests, events, meetings are discouraged, and may lead to disqualifications and/or suspensions of membership.
Adopted February 19, 2023